Ronald Weinland


We are now past the fall holy day season for 2014, and we are already planning ahead for next year’s Feast of Tabernacles. However, I am highly sobered as we begin making these preparations, since I know that this next Feast may well be the last we are able to keep together in this age at sponsored sites around the world. That is just how serious and perilous these times are for us and for the world.

On the other hand, I am also very positively moved concerning what lies ahead for the Church in this following year. For all who work for and yield themselves to what God is offering us, this coming year will be one of tremendous blessings and growth. But it will require much work and dedication on your part, for this next year is to be a “Year of Dedication.”

The last year of the “sixth period” of 1,260 days in the measuring of the temple begins on the 6th of November 2014, and it will end on the 7th of November 2015. Then, on the following day, the “seventh period” and the primary work of God’s two witnesses will begin. This final year in the measuring of the temple is going to be set aside to be devoted as a “Year of Dedication” for God’s Church. More will be explained about that year later in this post.

Since writing Part 4 of the last series entitled, Measuring the Temple, I have had much given to me concerning the potential content for another post that has been weighing heavily on my mind. I am going to comment on some of what was stated in the last paragraph of Part 4 in that series.

It was stated that I was “excited” about what God was showing me, but that whether I could proceed with the post, and to what degree, depended upon you. In that last sentence I stated, “So my parting admonition and encouragement to you is that you pray for this next post in a zealous, fervent, and highly desirous manner.” Paraphrasing other portions, it was stated that the “potential” depth in strength and revelation it would contain (be allowed to be given) was “fully dependent upon each person’s petitions,” concerning your actual desire “to receive what God can give to us.”

Indeed, prayers have definitely been in the process of being answered, and what God had already begun giving to me before has been progressively growing stronger. Throughout this Feast of Tabernacles, as I am currently writing this first portion of this post, that same process has intensified even more. Before the Feast actually began, I had already written Part 1 of that new series which is entitled, A Heightened Dedication. That first part will serve more as an introduction to what that series will finally begin to address. Between that writing and now, I have been deeply moved and inspired to begin writing this post that will be published first. This post will tie in powerfully so with that new series and will further set the stage for even greater things that God is revealing of that which He will accomplish in our lives, if we so desire, if we will work and yield ourselves to the process, and if we are of a genuine spirit.

Not only that, but the series that preceded this will become even more important, as the order and timeliness of all this is by God’s awesome design. God’s will is to bless this Church in a manner that is staggering on a spiritual plane. It involves the last phase of “measuring the temple,” which involves the potential for a highly positive aspect to our being measured. It is more about being brought up to, or being developed into, a “higher and more precise level of measurement” within the Temple.

However, it needs to be said that this is a kind of two-edged sword, as it cuts both ways. It can be powerful and spiritually rich to those who will actively work at and also yield themselves to the process that is addressed in this post and the series that follows. This following year cannot be one of “business as usual.” It is one that is far, far away from coasting in life or of life going on as normal. It is the exact opposite of being lukewarm! And some have been slipping backwards and becoming lukewarm!

For any who do not earnestly participate in this “Year of Dedication,” and address it in the manner that is laid out, or for any who back away (draw back) and let up, or begin to coast, it will be a difficult year and one that could easily lead a person out of fellowship with God and His Church. But there is no need for that for those who truly want what God is offering. God will work with and highly bless those who humble themselves to truthfully address needed “changes” in their life. For those who yield to the opportunity that is before them, they will experience far greater transformation than they ever have before. If any rely on themselves, however, then the greater transformation God is offering will not happen.

Holding Back Tribulation
This world is rushing into a final world war. The stage for that is already set. However, the world does not “see” what is speeding toward them in the form of World War III. That war, including all the greater events from the Thunders and the actual physical effects of the Trumpets are being held back. Those cannot begin until specific events are fulfilled (finished) and others are fully readied.

Beginning on the 6th of November, we will have one more year remaining in the measuring of the temple. This entire measuring process must first be accomplished before we enter the 7th and final period of 1260 days. It will be in that 7th period that a final work of God’s two witnesses will be fulfilled. Candidly, I do not yet fully know what all this will entail or when some of the major events they declare will take place. However, I can tell you what I believe God has given to us that we do know.

We know that the events of the devastation spoken of in the book, 2008 – God’s Final Witness, will be fulfilled. That which was written has not changed except in the timing for their fulfillment. They will still come to pass. This includes a far greater fulfillment for the Thunders of Revelation than what has occurred to date. Although the Thunders have been sounding to various degrees over the past several years, they will sound much more in that last 1260 days and then on up to the actual coming of Jesus Christ. It is also in that final period, and all the way to Christ’s coming, that the physical manifestation and fulfillment of the Seven Trumpets will be heard and seen.

Not only have the physical events of the Seven Trumpets been held back until that final period that leads up to Christ’s coming, but the greater destruction from the Seven Thunders have also been held back until that period of the final work of the two witnesses. Many of those events from those thunders will actually be a result of what the two witnesses will be proclaiming within that time period.

In all that we have experienced since a “final witness” began in 2008, we can now see more clearly some of those things that God revealed to John. It would be good to look a little more closely at what God has now brought us to see.

“After these things, I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God. He cried with a loud voice to the four angels (those of the first four trumpets), to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, saying, Do not hurt the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, until we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads” (Rev. 7:1-3).

It is revealed here that the great physical tribulation that is associated with the destruction upon present day nations of Israel, as a result of the first four trumpets, cannot begin “until after” the 144,000 have been sealed in their totality. God revealed to the Church that the final sealing of the few remaining to be included into the complete count of the 144,000 began on the Feast of Trumpets on the 30th of September 2008, and was completed by Pentecost on the 27th of May 2012 (1335 days).

However, just because that sealing was completed by that date does not mean that the physical events following those four trumpets was to begin immediately after that sealing. It is simply stating that the complete sealing must first be accomplished.

God also revealed that the Seventh Seal of Revelation was opened on November 14th of 2008 and that 30 days later, the First Trumpet sounded (Dec. 14, 2008), and “God’s final witness” began.

Now there is more that God is giving concerning the actual sounding of the trumpets. As a result of events that have transpired since the 2008 Feast of Trumpets to this time period for the “measuring of the temple,” God is showing us more about the combined meaning of all that is contained in Revelation 7 and 8.

Throughout this period of time to now, we have been uncertain about “timing” regarding the blowing of the trumpets. Due to what God has revealed to us, we know that a very small portion of the effects of the First and Fifth Trumpets have occurred. God has shown to us that part of the Fifth Trumpet was spiritual in nature as it applied to the Church and that those events have already occurred, but the actual greater physical fulfillment concerning Europe’s involvement will come later after the effects of the Fourth Trumpet have been clearly made manifest.

We also know that the physical manifestation of the First Trumpet will be a progressive escalation in fulfillment throughout the physical manifestation of all Seven Trumpets. Since the blowing of the First Trumpet, only a “prophetic type” of its fulfillment has begun, but the actual physical destruction that it portends will begin later. Since 2008, that “prophetic type” for this trumpet has continued to build momentum and is mushrooming, until the complete wealth (the U.S. Dollar) of the U.S.A. (of Manasseh) totally implodes and collapses. The underpinnings of the petrodollar are already being unhinged and it will not be much longer before it collapses.

What God is now clarifying for us is that the “physical manifestation” of great destruction that follows the blowing of the Seven Trumpets has been held back. Only a prophetic type of the First Trumpet and a spiritual fulfillment concerning the Fifth Trumpet have occurred. No other trumpets carry any additional meaning and purpose as these two did.

Blowing of the Seven Trumpets
As an apostle, I believe God is showing the Church that all Seven Trumpets were actually blown on the same day of December 14, 2008. That was the beginning of a specific fifth cycle of 1260 days. It was the beginning of a “final witness,” but it was not the fulfillment of the primary work of the two witnesses described in Revelation 11.

Concerning the Seven Trumpets which were blown, we have already covered how no actual physical destruction that they portended could begin “until after” the complete sealing of the 144,000 was finalized. It is only in the last series on Measuring the Temple that God has shown that when that period of the sealing was completed, we then entered the sixth cycle of another specific 1260-day period that is about that “measuring.” Now, not only has God revealed that the physical destruction from the trumpets, and even more specifically the first four trumpets, could not begin until after the sealing, but neither could they begin until after the measuring of the temple was complete. Yet it is even more specific than that, as you will see.

This separation in time between the sounding of the trumpets and their actual physical fulfillment that would follow has been deeply hidden in scripture, as it was not to be seen in any way until God gave it. The trumpets sounded on the first day of the beginning of the “fifth period” of seven prophetic periods of 1260 days – at the beginning of the “final witness.” This was necessary in order to accomplish the prophetic fulfillment of those matters concerning the First and Fifth Trumpets that were described earlier.

Then there is the timing of a prophetic 30-days of silence in heaven (Nov. 14 to Dec. 14, 2008) that ended once the seven angels sounded their trumpets. This is the meaning and timing of the context that begins Revelation 8.

“When he (Christ) had opened the Seventh Seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And I saw the seven angels which stood before God, and to them were given seven trumpets” (Rev. 8:1-2).

A few verses later, beginning in verse 8, John is shown what will result from the blowing of each individual trumpet. But before this, in verse 7, it describes the effects of the blowing of the First Trumpet. It is, however, written differently than those that follow. It is a matter that pertains to “timing.”

“Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. The first angel sounded and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast to the earth, and a third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up” (Rev. 8:6-7).

The actual sequence of all these events is about to be covered more thoroughly. First, however, it is important to know that from the time the seven angels were given their trumpets, once the Seventh Seal was opened (vs. 1-2), to when they were finally prepared to sound, and then did so (vs. 6-7), there was the time lapse of 30 minutes in heaven where other events were being carried out by other angels. The silence that followed the angels being given the trumpets was because they did not blow them right away. The silence is simply an omission of sound from the trumpets until they are actually blown. Thirty minutes after being given the trumpets (a prophetic 30 days) they then blew them, which was an event that took place on December 14, 2008.

As it has been mentioned, something was added to the description of the effects of the First Trumpet sounding that is different from the six trumpets that followed. It is due to the fact that this is the first to be blown, and so, it contains important information regarding a factor of “time.” Obviously, no other physical destruction from the following six could commence until the physical destruction from the First Trumpet actually begins. This is the reason why verse 7 is written with the use of a word that adds something unique to what is being said concerning that First Trumpet. It states that the first angel sounded, but that the actual destructive physical events were “followed.”

That word translated as “followed” is not used to describe an event that would follow immediately, as this was not to happen right away. It is good to understand how this word is used in scripture, as its primary meaning is one that indicates that something will “cause to become, be brought to pass, and/or have eventual fulfillment.”

The context for the use of the Greek word translated as “followed” does not apply to action that follows immediately, but follows in time due to some initial cause. There are two good examples of the use of this Greek word that in John 1 is translated as “to become,” and in Matthew 24 is translated as “be fulfilled.”

“But as many as received him, to them he gave power to become the sons of God, even to them who believe on his name” (Jn. 1:12).

“Truly I say unto you, this generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled” (Matt. 24:34).

So the First Trumpet was blown, but that which it was to fulfill in physical destruction was not to be accomplished until later. Because there would be a “period of time” that would follow the blowing of that trumpet before the actual physical destruction would begin, there would also be the same extension of time automatically added to all the other destruction that would result in the remaining effects of the other six trumpet blasts that do follow.

The Book of Revelation is not written so that one can read it in a simple story flow that neatly follows a clear chronological order. It was written in the manner that it was so that no one could remotely know “timing” until God revealed it, just as He is now doing so with these events we are addressing. It would now be good to clearly review the chronology of Revelation 7 and 8, and build upon it.

The last of the 144,000 began to be sealed starting on Trumpets of 2008 and would take 1335 days to be completed. Forty-five days after Trumpets of 2008, on the 14th of November of 2008, the Seventh Seal was opened and seven angels were given their trumpets. Then, the prophetic 30 minutes of silence in heaven followed. It is a period of silence resulting from the trumpet blasts not sounding (until they were actually blown). Again, this is not referring to complete silence in heaven, because during this period, specific things were being declared to those angels. Instead, this is just referring to the silence from the omission of the blowing of the trumpets only.

Two Events Holding Back Destruction
There are actually two events that are revealed during this 30 minutes of silence, before the trumpets sounded, which declare what must first be fulfilled before physical destruction from great tribulation can begin.

Once the Seventh Seal was opened, the seven angels were given their trumpets, and then, in Revelation 7:2-3 “an angel came” and told the first four angels that no physical destruction was to begin “until after” all 144,000 had been sealed.

Then, in addition, during that same period of silence, “another angel came” before the trumpets were blown and performed an incredible function.

“And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and there was given unto him much incense that he should offer (Gk. – give) it with the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar which is before the throne. The smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand” (Rev. 8:3-4).

We know that incense offered upon the altar is symbolic of the prayers of God’s people through time. However, this is an account that is awesomely unique in itself. It actually describes a very particular time that must specifically be fulfilled before the physical destructive events portended by the Seven Trumpets can commence.

Post Revealed
I’d like to share some of the process of how God revealed and then led me to the actual specific meaning of these two verses (and of much of this post and the next series that will follow), as this entire process has been so incredibly inspiring. Furthermore, most of it has been most powerfully revealed throughout this year’s Feast of Tabernacles period, making that Feast period all the more inspiring and meaningful to me personally. This will only be a quick summary.

God initially revealed during the writing of Part 4 of the Measuring of the Temple that He had much to reveal and give to His people in the time remaining for this “measuring.” Later, God began to move me to see that we could have a very special year before us in the remaining time for this measuring process to become complete. That has led to declaring that from the 6th of November of 2014 through the 7th of November of 2015 we are going to observe a “Year of Dedication.”

While focusing upon becoming more fully dedicated – more thoroughly consecrated to God – I was led to accounts where the temple built by Solomon was dedicated. This was followed by reviewing what occurred in Jerusalem after the captivity of Judah and of how the house of God was once again dedicated with offerings upon the altar. In addition, I was led to the account of how the altar itself had been originally dedicated with offerings.

Within all this that I was being led to examine more closely, I still had no understanding of where it was leading. God had already given to me to have in my heart and mind that we were to have a year of dedication in the final year of the measuring of the temple, but I did not know there was much more to this that was going to be revealed within these verses in Revelation 8. However, all of this did lead to deeper understanding of where God was indeed leading us and of what these verses were actually about concerning what the angel was offering upon the altar before God concerning the incense and the prayers of God’s people.

This has only been a quick summary of what occurred over a period of a few weeks, but it has proven to be so incredibly inspiring and exciting to experience. Hopefully, you will get a better sense of that in what I have just written so that you can share in some of that same excitement.

Two Events Holding Back Destruction (continued)
In reviewing what God has revealed, the last year for the measuring of the temple is to be a “Year of Dedication” for God’s Church. It will be a year of finalizing our preparation (PKG) for the great work that yet lies ahead and the actual coming of Jesus Christ in his Kingdom. We will be working to more fully dedicate God’s house – the temple of God – our lives with God and Christ dwelling in us – through prayer as we actively seek and then apply ourselves (in work) to fully offer up sacrifices (of self) on the altar before God. Much of what this will actually involve in the lives of God’s people will be covered more thoroughly in the series that follows.

Specifically, these verses in Revelation are all about this coming “Year of Dedication.” These verses are fully about us and what we will be focusing upon and doing in this final year. This angel of Revelation 8:3-4 described the focus and work of God’s people in this coming “Year of Dedication” – in the final year of the measuring of the temple. God has now revealed that great physical tribulation resulting from the trumpets has been held back until this coming prophesied year has been fulfilled.

During the 30 minutes of silence in heaven, after the seven angels had been given their trumpets and before they actually blew them, two angels came before them. These two angels revealed the two events that were to be fulfilled before any actual physical tribulation could follow the blowing of the trumpets and what each trumpet portended. One event was the finalization of the sealing of those few remaining individuals who would be added to complete the count of all 144,000. The other event is that which was described by the second angel who revealed this coming “Year of Dedication,” which would also be fulfilled before actual physical tribulation could begin.

In the following year, there will be an intensified focus on the sacrifices and the work that will follow. This is only beginning to be addressed in this post and then far more thoroughly in the series that is to follow. The first thing we are to individually focus upon right now, for those who can physically do so without jeopardizing their health in any manner, is that each of us is set aside at least one day each month to fast before God.

It must be said that for those who are able to participate in such fasting that no one compare their fasting to that of others. It is to be done exactly as Christ spoke when he stated that one’s fasting should not be made obvious to others. It is a private matter between each individual and God, and it is to be done just like our prayer life that is to be “in private” with God our Father. Certainly, within one’s own family there will usually be the need to share such information concerning one’s schedule and timing for doing so due to the needs surrounding meals and their preparation.

This fasting needs to be taken soberly and seriously, as it is about much needed humility on everyone’s part to live this following year in a faithful, zealous, and truthful manner. Some few in the ministry had not been faithful in sending in monthly reports as they had been directed to do, but instead had been negligent, complacent, lethargic, and disobedient toward instruction given from the government of God. This has now been largely corrected. However, concerning our attitude and participation in this monthly fasting, it cannot be approached in the same manner that some few ministers addressed these monthly reports.

The timing and purpose for the prophetic fulfillment of this year that is now before us was planned, designed, and then written in prophecy long ago. This coming year is exceedingly important to the final preparation of God’s people for Christ’s coming and of the spiritual condition the Church is to be in at that time.

Individuals will either eagerly embrace the work and changes that we are going to be directed to focus upon, or they will resist. Most will embrace all this and be blessed beyond measure. However, as with the sword that cuts both ways, some few will refuse and suffer accordingly. It is all a matter of free choice and greater acceptance of personal responsibility.

Satan’s Diminishing Power
Indeed, the vast majority of God’s Church will be zealous in setting aside this following year for greater dedication to God – far greater dedication for change and transformation. One should deeply fear to do otherwise, for if one does not fear now, once this year is past, they will.

God is offering us an opportunity for far greater spiritual growth, transformation, and blessings that are unprecedented in time and to a degree that we cannot now fathom. That which you have been called to share in at this time – to participate in – leading up to Christ’s coming cannot remotely begin to actually be seen, but it is most great!

Perhaps more will be written later about what is about to be stated, but there is a mighty work of God that is going to be accomplished as we proceed through this coming year and on up to Christ’s coming. It is important to know that this period also involves a process that will begin from the very start of this “Year of Dedication,” whereby God will immediately “begin to diminish” Satan and the demon’s ability to have influence or power upon (or even toward) God’s Church. As this power and influence diminishes, what will remain is a tormented raging fury that they will turn toward the physical world around them.

At different points through time, God has taken certain powers away from Satan and the demons. Over this coming year, they are going to be awakened to the reality that there is indeed more spirit power that is being taken away from them. As they experience this final process that begins to take place over this next year and on up to the return of Christ, there is a specific power that they will be given that has to do with the seventh resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire in the form of a United States of Europe. They have not been given that specific power yet, but they will, once the time for the physical manifestation of the effects of the Fifth Trumpet are allowed. Yet throughout the time that remains until Christ returns, these beings are going to be experiencing a process whereby much spirit power will be declining, until they have arrived at the moment of their confinement that will last for the next 1,100 years.

We are now entering a time in which we ourselves will begin experiencing the transition in a shift of powers away from Satan’s domain and mankind’s self-rule to that of God’s Kingdom. That will be manifested powerfully in the work of God’s two end-time witnesses.