As I have stated before, I am waiting until July 16 to see whether the Second Trumpet has been blown by that time, which falls within the 90 days I have referenced. In addition, God has been showing me things concerning the First Trumpet that will be carried out throughout the time of the first four trumpets. However, I have also known that I was not yet to be speaking about those things and I am only now beginning to “see” why. It is because this is for a later time.
Since the timing of what I had stated as being the moment when the First Trumpet was blown (April 17), we have seen no clear evidence on a physical plane of the fulfillment of that trumpet, although it has been stated that such things will be revealed throughout the timing of the entire first four trumpets.
Yet, it should be stated again that “nothing” has been seen as evidence on a physical plane concerning this first trumpet, and there cannot be until later in December. So what has happened since April 17? We do clearly see an intensity in the thunders, but only in the thunders. Earthquakes are increasing in magnitude and frequency on a global scale.
The destructiveness from weather is growing far more intense with record numbers of tornadoes. Drought conditions are worsening in some areas of the country, yet others are being flooded. Again, the repetitive nature and frequency of these events is what is important to see. Such events have always been part of the human experience, but the escalation in frequency and heightened magnitude of these events occurring so often is what this thunder is all about.
As far as global economic upheaval, every day there are more reports of serious economic problems in banking, brokerages, large corporations, commodities, transportation, etc. We are now getting very close to a total economic collapse.
Such bad news is becoming so common now that people don’t even seem to take notice, but view it as simply a little glitch that will someday go away and no longer affect us. People are truly becoming complacent about bad news and the true realities of life that are before us all.
Although there is a marked increase in the thunders, there is still no physical evidence in the trumpets. And even though I have stated July 16 as a kind of deadline for the Second Trumpet, I am now deeply convinced that nothing concerning the trumpets will have occurred by that time.
This is not pleasant to have to address, as all of us have planned our lives on such timing. If the second trumpet sounds, with nuclear explosions in port cities, then everything will indeed be fully in line with what I’ve stated in the last interviews and in some sermons. But I do want to state again, I no longer believe that to be the case.
The bottom line is, I must follow what I believe God is showing me. If I have jumped the gun in a couple of interviews and interjected my own understanding into the timing of events, and have thereby been presumptuous, then I will repent and move forward.
I have stated all of this because during last Sabbath’s sermon some scriptures I was reading became magnified in meaning (revealed by God), but what was given to me was not pertinent to that sermon. Each day since this past Sabbath, God has been giving me more understanding concerning the timing of events that I now believe I am to address in the Church, but I cannot do so until after July 16. All this will be explained in sermons after that date.
There is a lot unsaid at this time because there is too much to address in this posting, and these things must be addressed in their full context through sermons that will cover the subject.
The bottom line is that I know I am a prophet of God and God’s minister under Jesus Christ, who is the head of the Church of God, the Body of Christ. As such, I have a job to do and I am going to do it. Some will take great delight in some of this because they do not “see” what God is doing and “why.”
If what I have now been given to see over the last few days (and I am deeply convicted of this already), then there will be a very big issue addressed on Trumpets of this year. It will be the 50th truth (of major basic truths) God has given His Church in this end-time.
Some of you who read these postings have not been listening to the sermons on the Church website ( It would be wise for you to begin doing so if you want to understand these things and if you want to begin to truly grasp where we are in time. There is so much being revealed on a spiritual plane that cannot be covered in such postings as this, and you should not rob yourself of such insight and experience.
Because of what God has been giving me over the past few days, I now know that I am to resume the trips Laura and I make to scattered areas, and such trips will be planned all the way up to mid-December. All of you need to begin adjusting your thinking as you plan ahead. You need to expand your planning by several months, which will be explained in future sermons.
This end-time is not easy to address in our lives, and it can be very difficult to make adjustments according to what God gives to us, or may even withhold from us, until His timing and purpose. This is often done for our good, our training, and our growth. God knows what we need and when we need it. It is our choice to follow. So as always, “We follow God!”