Currently, I am beginning to work on a new post that I hope all of you will take deeply to heart and seek to grasp the seriousness of what will be covered in it. The post will address a matter that is first directed toward the ministry in the Church (in sequence of timing) and then to everyone else within the Church. God is charging His leadership (His government for Church administration) to weigh the spiritual condition of His Church (that will be explained more fully in the next post). Before His Son returns, His Church will be HIS Church – submitted to God in spirit and in truth. This process must be completed before the final phase of the work of His two witnesses begins.
The post I am working on may take two to three weeks beyond the time this post is sent out. Right now I am also trying to get the new book “off the ground.” The book is not going to come out quickly, so please understand that it is only in the beginning stage of development at this time. Writing a book does not just “happen.” It takes a lot of work and time. In this environment, it is even far more difficult to focus and work on it, especially with the antiquated tools at my disposal (mostly just pencil and paper).
If this book is half-written by the time of my release, I will be deeply pleased and excited. It will likely take six months to a year to finish once I am home again. The next post may help everyone to “see” that more clearly, as far as timing is concerned.
Much of the production of this book and additional work that must go into the final writing cannot fully take place until I am outside of this environment and I have the actual use of my own computer with access to programs needed to accomplish a finished product. The timing is fully in God’s hands. It could be sooner or it could take longer, as I simply do not know at this time. Having said all this, there probably won’t be as many posts coming out and they will likely have less content in them than what everyone has become accustomed to.
God has already inspired an enormous amount of material since I have been in prison. It is material that cannot be completely absorbed (received) on a spiritual plane by one or two readings. There is much depth to what Christ has given us. Many have commented on how the posts strengthen them, giving them a spiritual boost in the midst of the week, and they still can! As you have had a period of absence since first going through them, you will find that if you choose to do so again, in an orderly and progressive manner, seeking greater understanding through prayer, that you will be able to build far more upon what has been framed within you to this time.
So there is much to potentially review and grow in over the next many months ahead. If you do go through these posts again, do not rush it, but rather build upon them in the same manner they were delivered, to be utilized as a great tool through the midst of the week, week by week, and not all at one time. The reality is that some things like this simply need to be reviewed in smaller sections and then digested over the following week before taking more in. It is a building and absorbing process that cannot be rushed.
Proper Sabbath Attire
On another note, there is a subject that would be good to address at this time. It concerns how we come before God and Jesus Christ on the Sabbath. This has been something that I have considered addressing many times before over the past several years, but have resisted as I realize it can potentially lead to some who might let down in their attitude of respect and honor being shown to God and Christ. This concerns how we dress for the Sabbath.
Before going into this, it needs to be understood that respect and honor cannot be legislated, as either it is in a person or it is not. Yet this can be a fine line as well, since respect and honor shown to others, especially toward God, can be learned. But right now, we are in a unique “period of time” for the Church, as the next post will focus on more fully.
This matter of respect and honor shown where it needs to be shown is similar to something addressed early-on in the Church of God – PKG. God revealed that it was no longer necessary to address the ministry by saying “Mister” before a person’s last name, but that the ministry could simply be referred to by one’s first name. Using “Mister” before a name was more readily expected within society throughout most of the last century, but towards the end that was changing. The Church has always “stood out” as strange enough to others simply because of how God’s truth is so different from what the world knows and believes. Adding an unbiblical (not commanded) requirement of formality was not helpful in how the Church was perceived. We are to be moderate in most things and are not to be ultra conservative or ultra liberal.
As a Church, respect cannot be legislated within the mind by how someone in the ministry is addressed. Just addressing a minister by “Mister” does not mean that a person saying it has respect or is showing an attitude of honor toward one of God’s ministers. So the Church made the decision that we would simply address a minister by their first name, just as in the beginning of the Church when people simply addressed Peter, Paul, John, etc., by their name.
This brings us back to addressing how we come before God on the Sabbath. If we are in the privacy of our own home, perhaps with even a handful of people joining us for Sabbath services, it is not good to go into a private home “over-dressed.” Again, this is about a balanced and moderate example we are seeking to set for our neighbors. So there is a “balance” in this. We should not “dress-down” either, as with wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt, or other exceptionally casual clothing. In such instances, nicer casual clothing is fine and proper to be worn before God in such a meeting location. However, a suit and tie for a man or a dress or pant suit for a woman can be too much for such a private home meeting. In a “more formal gathering” of a special meeting location for the Sabbath, such as a hotel meeting room or other rental location, a suit (or sports jacket) and tie for a man is proper, as is a dress or type of dress suit (nicer dress pants and blouse) is proper for a woman.
The exception to this formal attire for a more formal gathering (not at a person’s home) on the Sabbath is when temperatures outside are reaching the mid 70’s (Fahrenheit) or around 23 degrees Celsius and above. At such times, jackets need not be worn at all on the Sabbath. This also includes wearing a tie. There is no requirement for a tie on the Sabbath when temperatures reach such levels. The physical body does not function well under such conditions and at such times less will be able to be gleaned from sermons when people are so uncomfortable. It is far more important that we receive all the spiritual food we potentially can on a Sabbath without such encumbrances.
There is balance in all this and either we have great respect and honor (and want to reflect that) toward God and Christ or we do not. By this time within the Church, such a right attitude and spirit is in us or it is not. If it is not, then such a person will be “weighed and found lacking.” That is not a state anyone wants to be in at this specific time, or any time for that matter, but it is very crucial now.
Supporting the Work
In the inset post, “Christ’s Coming,” it was mentioned how there is a great work that is ahead of us. We are still being prepared for that work. There will be planning and more organization and that planning will continue as we draw closer to the period when that greater work is to begin. As in the example of the Church being like a body, we are all placed in it in different locations for different functions, but we are one body and we need each other.
In addition to each of us yielding to the transformation (change and spiritual growth) that God offers us and of continually coming into greater unity and oneness with the teachings God has given His Church, there is an often overlooked participation (role) and vitally important area of service to God and His work. An important aspect of the calling given to many is that of more directly supporting God’s work. Far too often, people tend to elevate the importance of service in the ministry as something that is the most important. That is a great mistake! It is part of a necessary function within the body, yet to do a “great work” God has been calling people into the body to SUPPORT that work. That more direct participation comes in the form of tithes and offerings. Such focus, hard work, and time placed into such effort of employment or personal business should not be underestimated.
God could call multi-millionaires or billionaires, but then the tendency of too many would be to elevate such individuals in a manner that would not be spiritually healthy for either the one being called or the one who elevates them and esteems them in a false prejudicial manner (exercising wrong judgment of favoritism or awe). In addition, God could call thousands to help support the work that is ahead of us, however, that is not God’s purpose either, as God is going to clearly show that what is humanly impossible to achieve is being fully accomplished by Him and we are of humble stature to be so blessed to be able to participate in what He is performing and bringing to pass.
Over the past year alone, many of our young people have “stepped up to the plate” and made greater changes in their life as they seek to become far more productive and stable financially. This in turn yields more fruit that God will use in His work. The point is that this understanding and mindset needs to become an even greater focus and goal of those who are capable of accomplishing such service to God’s work. Such an individual’s drive should be to accomplish more through more work, promotion at work, or by other means that will be adding greater financial increase to their lives. God actually seeks to bless those who are striving to yield themselves to such purpose. Go to God and share with Him your conviction in helping support His great work. If you have your own business, seek God’s favor and ask that doors might be opened for you to produce more so that you can give more. If you are employed, seek to grow and increase in that job, knowing that above everything else we work for God and Christ.
I’ve known of many over the years who have been awesomely blessed when this has been their motivation that God is “first” and supporting His work has much to do with putting Him first. I’ve also known of some of these who were so blessed that they began to take their advancement and increased productivity to themselves. Be on guard against such a mindset and ask that God help you keep properly focused and to not be lifted up in pride when increase is given. There are many of you whom God will bless so that you can serve His work in a powerful manner that far too often is not recognized or esteemed for the importance contained in it. We have gone through a period where many financial lessons of budgeting and planning ahead have been magnified to us. Those skills that have been planted in many, because of such an adverse experience, can now be used more powerfully as blessings that have prepared us for what is ahead.
Ministerial Structure
Finally, there is one last area of planning that I want to share with you and that concerns how some of our structure within the ministry is going to be expanded. However, the implementation of this may not take affect for several months or even a year or so from now. It is the addition of another area of ordination. Currently, there is a structure of associate elders, elders, and then senior elders. In this category, there is only the need of a single ordination and then a verbal elevation as God leads us to raise some to more responsibility. Most of this is primarily for the future and not for right now, however, the training that is taking place now is in the little things. If faithful in the little, we can be faithful in much. The level of faithfulness to the “little things” reveals much as to what the faithfulness will be to the greater things to come – to the “much.”
After this structure of associate elders, elders, and senior elders, there will be a new level of ministry. Although the title of that new level in the ministry has not been fully settled at this time, we are going to institute an ordination that can be given to a man or woman that will include greater responsibility within the ministry and Church. Such ordination may carry the description of a “ministerial director” or a “ministerial pastor.” There will be more given about the duties and responsibilities of such individuals in the future when this begins to be implemented. Of course, after this, is the ordination of evangelist and sr. evangelist that again only requires a single ordination when first raised to an evangelist. It is highly unlikely that we will have any more evangelists in God’s work before Christ’s return.
God Blessing His People
As the last thought to mention in this post, I want to say how inspired and excited I am that God is revealing His will to intervene, strengthen, and bless His people. This is in a far greater way than when we were going through the time of witness during that 3 ½-year period that tried and tested us as His people, which was the purpose of that period. God’s Church has been rapidly made ready for where we now find ourselves and God is making us stand more firmly and powerfully. As I have already mentioned, this process has already begun where several are being blessed in their jobs or occupation. In addition, I am in awe of what God has been showing concerning His desire to grant far more healing within His Church at this time. We now have numerous accounts of people being healed quickly, mightily, and miraculously of different things. One area alone that stands out concerns the numerous and complete healing of cancer, even with several cases where cancer was in the final stages. We need to truly give God and Christ thanks for such intervention and strengthening of His people.
Hopefully, this post has contained information and news that is exciting, inspiring, and motivating to you. God is giving us a focus for completing His work – a great work that is before us!