Since that last post, I went through the entire book one last time as a final edit. Others also went through it before we sent it to the printer for an initial printing of the book. We only had a small run for the printing so that we would be able to have copies ready to hand out at this year’s Feast of Tabernacles. That first printing was made for the benefit of the Church and any who reads this post who might want a personal copy.
This third book is somewhat larger in content than the other two books. It explains why God has mercifully given seven more years of time to the remnant Church, the Church that was scattered, and to this world before Jesus Christ returns to establish the government of God on earth.
It has already been explained how God had determined prior to 2008 to allow great physical tribulation—without His intervention of mercy—which would have brought incredible destruction above and beyond that of World War III. Before 2008, the world had been judged by God to receive unimaginable destruction that would come from unleashing the FULL destructive power of the Seven Trumpets mentioned in the Seventh Seal of the Book of Revelation. If that had been the case, the world would not have had the same potential to seek for the magnitude of that destruction to be lessened or halted because of such a judgment against it. However, God is now going to allow mankind to receive of His mercy.
This new book tells of God’s revelation to grant great mercy to mankind. That mercy will be extended to those who will listen so that hundreds of millions more will potentially now have opportunity to live on into the soon coming period of the millennial reign of Jesus Christ on this earth. However, unlike the second book, 2008–God’s Final Witness, this new book will not be promoted until very strong Thunders begin to sound and the affects of the First Trumpet are felt. There have been many Thunders strike ever since they first began on 9/11, but nothing of the magnitude of what is yet to occur.
Once these things take place we will begin to promote and push this book so that people can find true answers to why these events are happening. If we were to start now with the promotion of the book and the great expense in doing so, it would be a waste of time and money. That is because as of this time right now, people would not listen! But God is going to change all of that. As I mentioned on the Last Great Day of the Feast, that will likely not begin before next year’s Feast of Tabernacles. God may even grant us the ability to come together for the Feast of Tabernacles in 2018 before the greatest of destructive events actually begin.
As of now, we are proceeding forward so that we might be able to get the introduction of the book placed on our websites in a very organized fashion. By that, I mean we hope to have all the different language translations ready at the same time. We are excited that we now have additional languages that this new book has been translated into that the previous ones were not. This now includes the addition of German, Russian, and Swedish translations.
At the earliest, it will likely be at least four to five months before this book is actually placed on our book website. Until then, we do have books printed that we will make available to anyone who reads the posts on this site and desires a personal copy. Simply email the Church site with such a request.