Real fear has not yet struck, but it is now on the horizon. Strong warnings are sounding out with increasing intensity. However, the basic nature of man and woman is to bury fear—to “bury ones head in the sand,” hoping that when they look out once again that things will be better. We have arrived at a time when things are not going to get better, but instead are going to spiral downward with accelerating intensity.
The world is starting to come to the realization, although rather slowly, that the United States cannot resolve its financial crisis. Other nations are beginning to see that the U.S. does not have the will or means to change. It is for this reason that governments will move more rapidly toward “other” means to protect their interests—by moving themselves farther away from reliance on American stability and prosperity. Both stability and prosperity are increasingly being seen as a thing of the past—an era in decline.
You are witnessing the final events that are rapidly plunging the world into real fear, as a complete global economic meltdown finally strikes. It is now accelerating. Nations are just beginning to become aware of that inevitable reality. It is for this very reason that world war will also quickly follow a global economic meltdown. War is the only “means” through which this world can deal with such crisis within their own nations. This is the real history of man and of war!
A Need for Repetition
How long will some hold out and refuse to listen? The truth is that most will never listen—never listen to God that is. They will listen to all other kind of foolish reasoning, but will not look to the One, who can truly rescue them and save them from what is now almost upon them.
People refuse to believe that they “bury their head in the sand.” The truth is that it is actually a myth that the ostrich does such a thing in a supposed effort to protect itself, but it is the truth that human nature most often acts in such a manner when it comes to real crises in one’s life. But sooner or later, survival requires action and some response to reality.
As the prophesied time of Jacob’s Trouble is about to increase in far greater intensity, it would be good to repeat a couple of paragraphs from the last Post of May 19th.
In the last section… “We are now nearing the fulfillment of such events from the Fifth Thunder and the sounding of Trumpets that bring devastation on the scattered nations of Israel. That which was to occur within months after the beginning of the final three and one-half years was postponed for two years due to God’s mercy that He granted (a result of the two-day fast of God’s people) is now nearing that same period for fulfillment once again. It will be a time of humbling and awakening for the greater remnant of God’s people who were scattered after the apostasy, who will be blessed to live on into the beginning of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ.”
Then, at the end of that Posting… “In closing, rather than a full three and one-half years of great suffering from massive worldwide devastation, God’s two end-time prophets are witnesses of the mercy and patience of God. This witness is at a time in the history of mankind when God’s judgment is being poured out upon the world during this final end-time. God’s judgment always has been, first and foremost, one of great mercy and patience toward mankind. Since this end-time world has refused to respond to such mercy (as it always has failed to do), now the execution of judgment has begun. A witness of two and one-half years is now passing and one year now remains.”
Time is running out! The countdown to Christ’s return continues to narrow. The truth is—God’s truth is—there are now 42 weeks remaining to the return of Jesus Christ as King of kings and the establishment of God’s government over all nations.